Below are the configuration options available to you
return [
* This option defines the default storage method.
* You can choose between one of the Laravel
* filesystem disks or a database table.
'default' => env('EMAIL_VIEWER_DEFAULT', 'disk'),
* When this option is set to false, the package will not copy any emails.
'enabled' => (bool)env('EMAIL_VIEWER_ENABLED', true),
* The PhpMimeMailParser uses the pecl mailparse extension.
* Replace this class if you want to use a customer mail parser.
'parser' => \Axyr\EmailViewer\Parsers\PhpMimeMailParser::class,
* The EmailWriterListener listens to the MessageSending event
* and copies the email to the default storage.
'listener' => \Axyr\EmailViewer\Listeners\EmailWriterListener::class,
* Disable this setting, if you don't want to use the default routes
* and instead use your own route setup.
'routes-enabled' => true,
* If you do want to use the default routes,
* but want a different prefix, you can adjust this value.
'route-prefix' => 'emails',
* The package controllers default items per page for the pagination results.
'default_pagination' => 25,
* The possible 'servers' where you can store a copy of all the outgoing emails.
* You can swap out the model and repository classes with your own implementations.
'servers' => [
'disk' => [
'disk_name' => env('EMAIL_VIEWER_DISK', env('FILESYSTEM_DISK', 'local')),
'model' => \Axyr\EmailViewer\Servers\Disk\Email::class,
'repository' => \Axyr\EmailViewer\Servers\Disk\Repository::class,
'database' => [
'table_name' => 'email_viewer_emails',
'model' => \Axyr\EmailViewer\Servers\Database\Email::class,
'repository' => \Axyr\EmailViewer\Servers\Database\Repository::class,